Content Creation

Content we’ve created

Tourism Ireland uses content to inspire and motivate potential visitors overseas to choose the island of Ireland for holidays.

During our time with Tourism Ireland, we created bespoke content which appealed to the interests of the company’s target markets in Spain, the Middle East, Asia and South Africa.

Celebrity Quiz

We created a quiz for Tourism Ireland Spain which tested consumers knowledge of where in Ireland six famous people come from. This quiz was seeded out to consumers via social media and content marketing, taking advantages of opportunities such as the Oscars or when these people were trending on Twitter.

The average dwell time on this piece of content was over 6 minutes!

Inspirational Travel Memes

We created a series of inspirational travel memes featuring quotes with stunning imagery of the island of Ireland. These were posted to Tourism Ireland Spain’s social media to inspire people to plan their next holiday to Ireland.

These posts were extremely well received with each individual post reaching in excess of 170,000 people on Facebook.

Harnessing User Generated Content

We ran a Valentine’s Day competition on social media with an objective of compiling the best romantic stories from our fans related to Ireland. These stories were used to populate a Valentine’s Day page on the website which was seeded out via social media and e-zine activities.

The average dwell time on this piece of content was over three minutes!

Integrating Television Coverage with Digital Marketing

We leveraged television coverage of Dublin by Peeta Planet, a travel series for the social media generation, and created a suite of digital assets for the website, social media and e-zine channels in the United Arab Emirates. The promotion of this content was timed to coincide with screening of the programme which enabled Tourism Ireland to take advantage of the positive word of mouth generated by the programme and their Emirati presenters.

The average dwell time on this piece of content was over one and a half minutes!